Friday, July 31, 2015

WTC Antenna

I was not aware of this exhibit until today. The Newseum continues to impress. Starting in the Summer of 2011, they began exhibiting the upper section of the 360-foot antenna mast from the World Trade Center North Tower.

The backstory is the story every American knows. Terrorists conducted suicide attacks using commandeered aircraft to target U.S. landmarks including the World Trade Towers in New York City. Aircraft collided with two WTC buildings, which collapsed and resulted in the deaths of 2,606 people at WTC including all 19 terrorists, 246 passengers, 72 law enforcement officers, 343 firefighters, and 55 military personnel.

The Radio and TV dial in New York city had a lot of dark spaces that day as many area stations broadcast from WTC. Nine TV and four FM radio stations were knocked off the air including WPIX-TV, WCBS-TV, WABC-TV, WNBC-TV, WNEW, WFAN and WPAT.  [SOURCE] On the new WTC structure, a mast was built that could support the whole of the NYC radio band. More here.

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