Thursday, September 10, 2009

Radio Frequency Amplifiers

Radio Frequency Amplifiers for Sound and Television Communication is NRI booklet 16FR-1. It was first printed in 1937. When I first began looking at these booklets I was struck by the term "radiotrician."

It is this booklet where I noticed it was stated inside the cover it actually that the term "radiotrician" is registered to the NRI. No other company can use the term "radiotrician" it's a registered trademark of the no longer extant National Radio Institute. It's a good reason that the term never fell into general use.

This booklet covers resonance curves, amplifer stages, choke coils, tuned transformers, tube capacities, neutodyne circuits, grid supressors, cross-modulation, pentode circuits etc. It's one of the most technically hardcore texts in the series. Best of luck.

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1 comment:

  1. The transmitter unit provides an upper side-band (usb), lower side-band (lsb), independent side-band (isb), cw, fsk, or compatible AM signal. The output of the transmitter has enough power to drive the radio frequency amplifier .
