Monday, September 30, 2024

Works Cited


I've been at this for almost 20 years now and gradually I've noticed that this blog has been cited a few times as a primary source. I do quite a bit of original research so why not? It's nice that it gets added to the cannon so to speak. So it has come to pass that I've tried to catalog all these citations and well, there are a lot more than I expected.

Wikipedia has been pilfering my content for years without attribution. But real authors cite their sources, so this URL has been appearing in nonfiction books, and even school text books almost since it's inception in 2005. The tally is Eight books, 14 periodicals and a whole bevy of thesis papers.

Text Author
Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV Nussbaum, Emily Penguin Random House 2024
The Beautiful Spy: The Life and Crimes of Vera Eriksen Tremain, David
History Press
Radio After the Golden Age: The Evolution of American Broadcasting Since 1960 Cox, Jim
McFarland & Company
White Robes and Burning Crosses: A History of the Ku Klux Klan from 1866 Newton, Michael
McFarland & Company 2014
Marketing Recorded Music: How Music Companies Brand and Market Artists Donham, Tammy
Sound Recording and Reproduction
Russell, Jesse
Lennex Corp
Pengembangan Media Audio/Radio Ajar, Bahan
Guglielmo Marconi: Marquess, Radio, Invention of radio, History of radio McBrewser, John Apphascipt


But that's just books, what about magazines, newspapers and other periodicals. Well there are even more. This is just what I'm aware of, there's probably more out there:

Periodical/ Issue
Discuts: Numero 3 De: Mysterieux Discques!
Malbert, Alexis
The WASHRAG; Vol. 22, Issue 08 News Briefs
Wireless Association of South Hills 2020
DX News, Vol 89, Issue 01
The Sale of WMBI in Chicago MacHard, Kenneth 2021
The Resonator. Vol 7, No. 9
The Way We Were
Belghaus, Fred  2022
The Resonator. Vol 7, No. 10 The Way We Were
Belghaus, Fred  2022
The Resonator. Vol 5, No. 6 The Way We Were
Belghaus, Fred  2020
The Resonator. Vol 5, No. 5 The Way We Were
Belghaus, Fred 2020
Galene 61, Number 80 Bulletin del'Association Galene 61 2016
Radiorama, Number 114 RadiDal 1982 dalla parte del Radioascoltorama Radiorama 2021
SARA News, June 2021
From NAA to Today: A Breif Look at Commercial and Military Call Letters
Lynch, Jim 2021
The Barn No. 351
Beaumont Amateur Radio Club
Horzepa, Stan
Paper Radio, No 12
First Broadcast From a Train
Moe, Frederick
ARSC Journal Vol. 44, No. 1
Let's Go Surfing
Brooks, Tim
The Blurb
Did You Know?
Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club2021

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