At the end of the recording he shouts "What the hell am I doing!" and the take abruptly ends. It may even be a blooper. Without a date, name, song title or record label I'm hard pressed to put a date to it. My best clue is the sleeve. The top edge was taped closed with a label and cut open. I scanned and pieced together above. It says "VOX RECORD," probably Vox records; and gives the address 236 West 55th Street, New York. This Vox is is Pathé Vox a distribution company. they existed in that form until at least the late 1950s. But there is no way to know if that disc and that sleeve have always been together. Vox released primarily classical music.
That's Buddy Clarke - Isn't This Better Than Walking in the Rain?.. sounds a tad different than the LP version.. might actually be a diferne ttake. I think I hear the engineer at the end for a sec.