Vintage Radio & Communications Museum
of Connecticut to be exact. I visited and was duly impressed and will be donating a few odds and ends from my collection. Things are safer in their hands than mine no doubt. The gentleman on duty today set off a Tesla Coil and zapped a number of high voltage electrical arcs for my entertainment.
They have a nice retro radio studio, a Rek-o-kut transcription disc recorder, all manner of tubes and microphones, reel-to-reel decks, tunes, phonographs and ephemera. The collection grew from a simple storefront window display but has truly become a destination in it's own right.

It's easily accessed from Interstate-91 or Interstate-291 and East Windsor also has a few other Historical sites: a Tobacco Museum, a trolley museum, and
more. I do recommend you make a day of it.

The sparky machine is a Tesla Coil not a VanDe Graff generator. A VandeGraff generator uses a large rubberized belt and contacts to generate the sparks. Good sparks. Different machine....