While his name is misspelled on the label as GRUEEBLAT, at the end of side B just as deterioration makes tracking almost impossible, an announcer comes on. This was definitely a radio transcription, and also definitely Ben Greenblat. The program is named "Piano Ramblings" and it's presented by the Philadelphia Radio Servicemen's Association.
Best yet, at the end of that is that tell-tale TWANG noise when you record over a previously used disc. In the next segment I hear the same announcer reading an almost identical message but this time enough is left to catch the telephone number WARminster-4. There is a third TWANG but the audio after that is unintelligible... I do find a single corroborating entry confirming the Servicemans' Assoc. It appears in the 1958 & 1959 issues of Radio-Electronics, these note that they have elected a new officers. The group, for which there is no recorded history, no longer exists.
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