My favorite was The first trans-oceanic news broadcast in history (1928.)

The success of the program led to a second childrens program with Miss Georgene Faulkner, "the Story Lady" and her "Mother Goose" broadcasts. The next year they began the first educational broadcasts. Not actually classes like on AMRAD, but on November 28, 1922, Prof. Forest Ray Moulton, lectured on astronomy.
In 1925 WMAQ also ran some of the first sports broadcasts. They presented the first daily play-by-play descriptions of major league games ever. The first of these was the Pittsburgh Pirates Vs. the Chicago Cubs. In 1945 WMAQ pioneered the use of the wire recorder for

On March 26, 1925 WMAQ also took part in what is believed to have been the first commercial network broadcast. It was the first of a series of concerts presented by the Victor Phonograph Company over an improvised network of some 20 stations scattered between WNBC in New York amd WMAQ in Chicago. More here:
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