But many others have simply bizzarre etemologies. I list a few of these below, some are anecdotal, some are confirmed.
WZPR meadville PA. the zipper was invented in Meadville, PA
WZON -owned by Stephen King, named for the Dead Zone
WTBQ -The TB references "teddy Bear", the owner collected them
WTAW - Watch Texas Aggies Win (its always about college ball in TX)
WTAQ -Western Towns Along Quincy (The Quincy Railroad was a big deal)
WTAN- As in Get a TAN on the beach (Tampa FL)
WSMN = Weather, Sports Music and News (very clever)
WSLT = SLT as in Salt Water (Atlantic City)
WSHG =Named for the Shag... at the time this was a dance.
WSDS =We Serve Detroit Suburbs
WSAR = We Show Advertising Results
WRKT= As in Rocket, its near cape canaveral
WNOV = Wisconsin Negroes Own Voice (black culture station)
WMOO= Reference to the big dairy town Derby Center, VT
WLOL =Land Of Lakes... LOL stands for something different now
WLOB =As in LOBster... it's in Maine
WLBB =We Love Butter Beans (that kills me)
WGTM =Worlds Greatest Tobacco Market
WGAP =Worlds Greatest Aluminum Plant (next to the alcoa factory)
WCAE =We Can Always Entertain
KWOS =Keep Watching Our State
KWAK =Owner was a duck hunter...
KRTR =named for the volcanic Crater beside them (Kailua, HI)
KOTN =named for their local Cotton Crop
KIRL =The owners wife had curly hair
KFUO =Keep Forwad Upward Onward
KFRO = Keep Forever Rolling On
KFEL =Kant Find Enough Liquor (seems spurrious)
KANO =As in VolKANO.. Hawaii again
KAGG =as in Texas AGGies (they have riots over OU ball games in TX)
KABL =named for Cable Cars
*here is a batch courtesy of Gary Guthrie at WMVY
WNGO = We Need God Only
WCBL = Calvert city, Benton & Lakeland
WDXR =Weaks' DX Radio (he also had a DX gas station)
WNBS = as in an inventor of radio: W. Nathan B. Stubblefield
WNOE and KNOE =Named for Louisiana Governor James Albert Noe
WRNO = We're the Rock of New Orleans
Some of these come from my own notes others from a site I found recently:
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