I was in Austin. It wasn't really on purpose, but its directly between Dallas and San Antonio on 35 South and there I was. I got off the highway looking for local fun. You know, thrift store guyaberas, and big bins of used CDs...
I bought a guyabera [remember those shirts the cuban barbers wore?] for $2.50 and hunted around for hours at El Cheapo on Lamar Street.
Then I drove past this theater on Congress street right by the capital. In Big lit-up letters it read BORDER RADIO. The logos on the posters reminded me of a certain book I have on order... but no, its couldn't be, that's a book and this was a show. Well it was. AND I MISSED IT!!! DAMMIT.
Kinky Freidman, Ernesto Guerra, Kitty Scott, mariachi bands.. Whoooo-weee.
It was a stage show based around the book run in conjunction with the Texas folklife institute. They went on for hours running video and audio and lectures from The carter family, Bob Wills, Cowboy Slim Rinehart, and more. I imagine it's kind of like The Prarie home Companion with a southwestern twist, minus Garrison Keilor and (and any other damn Yankees he may associate with.)
the series is being taped and I am hoping that NPR, Pacifica, PRI or some other large network has the brains to offer the 3 part series as a national feed.
I was deeply amused that the Texasfolk life Inst. ran a disclaimer on their ads. You See Local eccentric and author Mr. Kinky Friendman is very seriously running for governor, and is polling quite well. disclaimer quoted below.
* Kinky Friedman's appearance at the show and on the radio broadcast should not be construed as an endorsement or even approval by Texas Folklife Resources, its Board of directors or staff of his candidacy. Kinky speaks only for Kinky. Texas Folklife Resources is a non-profit cultural organization. Please note that all the gubernatorial candidates Governor Rick Perry, Carol Keeton Strayhorn, Chris Bell, and Kinky Friedman, were invited to come visit with the spirit of Pappy O'Daniel, or send a taped message, to be played on this Border Radio Show. Only candidate Kinky took us up on this offer.
I however, fully endorse Kinky for Governor.
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