The popularity of the name Fred has been in decline since 1888. Despite titular Fred's like Fred Flintstone, Fred from Scooby Doo, Fred Durst, Fred Savage, DJ Fred Allen, Fred Schneider, Fred Armisen, Fred Astaire and the Honorable Fred Hampton there are just fewer Freds than there used to be. The Fred thing really got me interested so we're going to have to talk about Fred before we walk about WLFR.
Lake Fred is not technical a lake, but actually a series of interconnected, artificial ponds in New Jersey. It was created somewhere between 1860 and 1880 in the peak Fred years for cranberry farming. [LINK] Dammed for use by a sawmill around 1900. at the time it was simply called "Saw Mill pond. When Stockton university took over the property in 1971, they initially referred to the property as Lake Stockton but by 1972, through machinations still not fully understood today... it had become Lake Fred. By 1985 there were already inquiries on the origin of the name. More here.
Like any good mythology, every origin story contains some conjecture. There are stories of the name originating with people named Fred: local residents, neighbors, students, and professors. But my favorite is about the famous DJ, Jean Shepard. Jean Shepherd, used the then common slang “Fred” as a generic name for someone who was a goof or a slacker. The term was popular enough in the moment to appear in the The Dictionary of American Slang 1998 edition and a possibly related entry in the New Hackers Dictionary 3rd edition of 1996.But in the 1950s and 60s Shepard was pretty famous for his radio show on New York City’s WOR. In the evening he told strange, long-winded by funny tales. He used a lot of hipster slang and in his stories, there was always a Fred. Fred was his John Smith. So the lake was named for Jean Shepard's Fred. Fred lake was really just a disused cranberry bog i.e. not really a lake. In Shepherd’s usage Fred was a fraud or a fake. So there you have it: Fake Lake.
So in 1984 when WLFR first signed on, they used the call letters stand WLFR for Lake Fred Radio. But WLFR wasn't the first campus station at Stockton. The roots of the station start in a small cabin on the shore of Lake Fred in 1974 with a Radio Club. The station was called WSSR - Stockton State Radio. This was a low budget carrier current radio station which had 2 QRK turntables, 2 cart machines, a Revox 77 reel-to-reel and a 4-channel RCA mixing board. Some of that gear was built by student Paul Glaser. Glaser once said that it "really just played a lot of Grateful Dead music." One of the early General managers, Olen Soifer, formerly of WMCJ (now WMCX) at Monmouth also mentioned the Grateful Dead which certainly paints a picture.
Early records for WSSR are few. The Federal Register records a request for $41,524 by Stockton state college in March of 1984 to extend the signal of WSSR. This had to have been filed before WLFR was granted call letters indicating that WSSR was still at least nominally active. A February 1980 issue [SOURCE] of the Argo describes a "newly organized" WSSR. The station was at least 5 years old at that time. So perhaps they only meant that the station was decidedly disorganized before 1980? But it also refers to an existing radio station in the library. Regardless, GM Jeff Louis seemed to have big plans. The 1976 IBS radio annual lists the station with no metadata. A simple entry: "WSSR, Richard Stockton State College" But in November of 1983 Michelle Mclelland managed to submit a chart to CMJ. For once the Grateful Dead were not in heavy rotation. But the inclusion of both Leo Kottke and Spandau Ballet speak to their tradition of free form radio. [SOURCE].
Purportedly it was the mischievous Professor Claude Epstein who completed a hydrological survey of the area, and on his maps in 1972, he labeled that bog "Lake Fred." Epstein equivocated when asked about the etymology decades later, but he also named a tributary stream Cedick Run (“see Dick run”) inspired by the Dick and Jane readers of the 1930s thru the 1960s. Epstein definitely had a particular sense of humor.
In one interview, Epstein told a story about Jean Shepherd, It was after Shepherd had been fired from WOR, when he was hosting a TV show in the 1970s on the New Jersey Network, Shepherd’s Pie. In 1977 Shepherd encouraged viewers to send in common items for a the “People’s Bicentennial Time Capsule,” and Stockton students sent in a t-shirt from one of the early and popular Lake Fred Folk Festivals. On the next episode Shepherd held up the t-shirt and exclaimed, “It figures there would be someplace named Lake Fred in New Jersey.” The name had stuck. Epstein's memory may be off. Jean Shepard did a Time Capsule event in 1977; but it was while he was still on WOR. There's even a recording. [SOURCE] The Lake Fred Folk Fair started as early as 1974 so the timeline still works. [SOURCE].
WLFR celebrated it's 35th anniversary in 2019, The Atlantic City Press covered the event, but not their 40th anniversary in 2024. [SOURCE] The campus publication, The Argo did of course. [SOURCE]. The station remains devoted to it's free form format. As I listen to WLFR now, the DJ is playing the Kinks "Sunny Afternoon" on a chilly but in fact sunny day.