Research Projects

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Wawa Radio Spots

Why? Because it's Hoagiefest that's why!

Today Wawa exemplifies regional advertising. Even though Forbes lists them as one of the 100 largest privately held companies they've deftly targets their growth in concentric rings around Eastern Pennsylvania. The chain reaches south to Norfolk and north to New Jersey. They have no stores outside NJ, PA, DE, VA, and MD.

This focus begets regional advertising which I find requires more cleverness than national advertising. If you're going to break up America into a set of radio campaigns Arbitron has already done the footwork. Nike and Budweiser break it down my major metro. If you are focusing on a smaller area you have to do a little thinking for yourself. If the area is small, your listeners may in fact hear your spots on multiple stations. How varied do you want them to be and so on.

In this set Wawa used different voices for different metro areas with similar scripts. Each one has identity but the theme is constant for optimum recognition. It's simple and clever which is how you know it works.
Jake from Philly
Linda from Dover
Pam from Philly
Travis from Trenton

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