Research Projects

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Radio News July 1933

Radio News was an American monthly technology magazine published from 1919 to 1971. This issue is from the middle of that era. I've scanned all 64 pages and compressed it into a .pdf for your enjoyment. In a strange set of legal maneuvers editor Hugo Gernsback went on to found Radio Craft magazine which directly competed. in 1930 Ziff-Davis Publishing bought out the magazine. They broadened the scope of the mag to include more general electronics as the hobby waned.

Download the 96MB pdf HERE.


  1. There's an even stranger story about when Gernsback changed the name of Radio-Craft to Radio-Electronics.

    Prior to the change, the name Popular Electronics was considered and actually appeared atop some of the contents pages.

    However, the decision was to go with Radio-Electronics.

    Soon after Ziff Davis decided that the Popular Electronics name was a good one, and since Hugo had already trademarked it, they paid $500 for the rights to the name.

    Many years later, after Ziff changed the name to Computers and Electronics, I decided (as the then current owner of GPI) to bring back Popular Electronics.

    We applied for the rights to the name on the basis that it had been abandoned.

    Ziff contested this action.

    We then agreed to pay Ziff $5000 for the rights and soon after started "republishing" the magazine.

    I’ve recently published a new 900-page biography about the life and times of Hugo Gernsback. It is available on Amazon. Just follow this link:

    The manuscript was found while I was in the process of closing down Gernsback Publications Inc. in 2003. It was apparently written some time in the 1950’s. It covers all the areas that Hugo found interesting: wireless communications, science fiction, publishing, patents, foretelling the future, and much more.

    Want more info? Contact me at

    I’ve recently published a new 900-page biography about the life and times of Hugo Gernsback. It is available on Amazon. Just follow this link:

    The manuscript was found while I was in the process of closing down Gernsback Publications Inc. in 2003. It was apparently written some time in the 1950’s. It covers all the areas that Hugo found interesting: wireless communications, science fiction, publishing, patents, foretelling the future, and much more.

    Want more info? Contact me at

  2. It is so great when I get firsthand information like this. I should write a damn book.
