Research Projects

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

LP radio promo

Hundreds of activists from around the country are descending upon Washington today to tell Congress that we need better and more diverse local radio. The Local Community Radio Act (H.R. 2802/ S. 1675) will open up the airwaves to more diverse, independent, Low Power FM (LPFM) radio stations.

Call on your elected officials to co-sponsor the Local Community Radio Act:

Read a Sample Script & Tell Us About Your Call

This important bill opens the radio dial to more community-driven and locally focused stations, providing news and information often ignored by mainstream radio -- information crucial to healthy communities and a vibrant democracy.

The bipartisan Local Community Radio Act would create hundreds, if not thousands, of new Low Power FM radio stations in towns across the country.

Tell Us About Your Call

Let's make sure your elected officials know that you support more and diverse local radio now.


Candace Clement
Campaign Coordinator
Free Press

1. Learn more about Low Power FM radio at:

2. Tell your friends and sign up for "Local Radio NOW" Facebook community to join hundreds of others who want to reclaim the airwaves for local, independent radio.

Take action on this important campaign at:

Tell your friends about this campaign at:

Donate Now Free Press is a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media. Through education, organizing and advocacy, we promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, and universal access to communications. Learn more at

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