Research Projects

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

RFR limits

First I should say that The United States has not established any Federal guidelines for RFR exposures. ANSI and ACGIH have published voluntary guidelines. These coupled with the individual standards of the DOD and a few State and local standards constitute the whole of the law. More here. See also (U.S. AFOSH Standard 161-9, 1984; ).

It is claimed that radio waves do all sorts of things. They sterilize mice and men, cause memory loss, hypogonadism, tumors, cause leukemia, impair the nervous system, and worse. Most of this is crap. There are a number of studies that claim radio waves do all sorts of things. There are also a number of studies that claim homeopathy has medical value when most sober people with an IQ of over 60 know it's as reliable as Ouija boards and numerology. RFR can harm you. Let's discuss how. More here .

It is a fact that RFR can cause electric shock and burns under very specific circumstances. This deals a lot with radiation dosimetry. This is the calculation of amount of energy deposited in matter and tissue (i.e. you) resulting from the exposure to ionizing radiation. It's called TID for Total Ionizing Dose. This is reported in a unit called gray (Gy) or Sieverts (Sv.) It's the equivalent of 1 joule per kilogram. Lots of vocab words today. I'll try not to use them.

They keep some of this vague on purpose and the use of highly technical language and jargon is not because they're provincial. The theory is that the general public is less knowledgeable and therefore less capable of taking precautions in a scenario of RFR exposure. They're right.Truly, the feds dislike talk on this topic. Here's the basics. Exposure limits are broken into two categories. Handy dandy table Here. 1. Occupational (me)
2. General Public (

That little table above is the ANSI standard. The link here is the ACGIH standards chart. It's generally accepted that those higher frequency standards are not conservative enough. Before these standards in 1982, there was only a single field strength standard. A power density of "10 mW/cm2, time averaged over any 6-min period" was considered acceptable regardless of frequency. Even then it was probably suspected, but now it is certain that frequency matters to RFR. These newer rules (see charts) aim to limits the average whole-body absorption to 0.4 W/kg.

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