Research Projects

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kevin Martin is a Terrorist

If you hadn't heard, we just got screwed. Kevin Martin succeeded in pushing through a rule change that effectively neuters ownership caps. Sam Zell can buy up any media outlet he wants; other papers, radio stations, TV stations.. he can have whatever he wants.

Congress asked the FCC not to vote on it. The FCC's own congressional oversight committee asked them to delay the vote until next year. Most Americans when polled actually prefer less consolidation in media, not more. The rationalization that newspapers are struggling is a lie. Circulation is down yes, but profit margins average 17% according to the FCC's own data. Kevin Martin lied to justify it. He will have to lie further to rationalize it. The man is unfit to serve.

Media diversity is critical to the function of our republic. Kevin Martin attacked that freedom and democracy as blatantly as if he'd bombed an embassy. Watching it on C-Span today was like watching Mongol hoards run over our borders, rabid like dogs gnashing their teeth and defiling everything that mattered.

Please call your congress person.
...or tell Kevin what you think:


  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    mullah cimoc say aemriki not having him free press. for save ameriki nation usa people must to make new federal communication law:

    1. each tv station and each the radio station must be own 100% by person live within physical area serve by tv station. this call the local ownership.

    2. no single person to owning more than 1% of any one tv station stock certificate. this make the diverse ownership.

    3. abolish him networks, abccbsnbcfox. then to letting local own station form own networks with power from bottom up (flow from shareholder to board of director to ceo), not him top down like now in usa.

    4. this keep the free press and stop the rupert murdoch type man keep all ameriki so stupid if buy him corporation which to own so many station and newspaper and radio and keep ameriki the stupid people.

    after follow mullah cimoc method benjamin frankling to be the proud.

    for true info:

  2. I literally can't tell if that comment is satire or agreement, but I like the tact.
