Research Projects

Thursday, January 18, 2007

WLAF Murder Mystery

...and while we're on the topic of death by radio...

As any PD will tell you, when a reliable staffer dosen't show up on time.. something is very very wrong. For WLAF owner Bill Waddell it was the first time in 15 years that DJ Jerry Monday didn't show up for work. Mr. Monday and his wife were found dead in their home on december 5th 2005. Jerry was both the program director and morning man.

Thusday morning WLAF-AM 1450, was a Gospel-formatted Radio stationin the small town of La Follette north of Knoxville, TN. By Saturday one popular morning man was dead, in a murder-sucide. Jerry Monday at AM 1450 WLAF for more than a dozen years. Monday was on the air from 5 to 9 am. The long-running program was a call-in show called "The World Famous Trading Post."

Friends and co-workers described him as he was having marital problems. Previously he was also a weatherman on their local cable acess channel.


  1. There is no mystery to a man Killing his wife you have no right to take anyones life he should have just took his own no marital problems in the world makes this ok pathetic he is portrayed as anything other than a murderer have some respect for her friends and family

  2. I agree and disagree. There is a mystery on what drove him over the edge. (excuse the trite phrase) Entire novels have been written addressing that theme. But agreed, yes, obviously a murderer and murder is bad. I hope you didn't read that as a "murder mystery" in the Agatha Christie sense of the term. There is no debate on who the murder is.
