Research Projects

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stupid DJ Tricks Part 3

Remember a couple posts back when I explained the anti-Castro politics of Miami talk radio? I was not exaggerating. Nobody crank calls the Ayatola Kohmeni, nobody crank calls George Bush. (Dad dosent let him use the phone yet) But these guys dogged not one, but two presidents of latin american nations.

The crap began on January 6 in 2003. Noboday at breakfast thought two DJs that morning would try to cause an international incident . Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero from WXDJ-FM 95.7, a tripical music radio station in Miami, FL called Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez. In the call they pretended to be Cuban President, Fidel Castro. Chavez is not amused. WXDJ was fined $4,000 for airing a caller without their knowledge. The Audio is here:

Six months later, having had no penalty for harassing the leader of a soverign nation, they decide to top it by cranking on Fidel Castro on June 18. Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero of WXDJ-FM this time impersonate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and call up Fidel. Castro got pissed. The audio is here:
Its in spanish of course so I understand nada. What I do understand is that they were fined ANOTHER $4,000 for airing a caller without their knowledge. No extra penalty for mocking the leader of a foreign nation. I understand Dick Cheny plays this tape for a laugh before bed.

Here is a transcript from the climax of their stunt:

Ferrero: "Your agents that were with you in Argentina must make an extensive and detailed search. And the people that are responsible for this must be told. Are you informed that this is a number one issue?"
Castro: "I am informed and absolutely in agreement."
Ferrero: "So you agree with the shit that you have done to the island, assassin?"
Castro: "What?"
Ferrero: "Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero from Miami, El Zol 95.7. You fell just like Hugo Chavez."
Castro: "What did I fall for come mierda (shit eater)? ¨
Ferrero: "Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero from Miami."
Castro: What did I fall for maricón (faggot)?"
Ferrero: "All of Miami is listening to you."
Castro: "What did I fall for, mariconzón (big faggot)?"
Ferrero: "What do you have to say?"
Castro: "ni cojones (no balls)"
Ferrero: "What do you have to say?"
Castro: "I haven't said anything, (vete para el coño de tu madre) go screw your mother."
Ferrero: "All of Miami is listening to you, Fidel Castro."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:15 PM

    It's not just you having pic. trouble on Blogger.
