Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Transcription Mystery Disc #233

This is a 5-Inch paper-core Phonocord. It's a small and unusual home recording acetate. The little disc has a center start and a playing time of about 1:30.The disc is unlabeled which is no surprise whatsoever. It is however, marked on each side on one with a "3" and the other with a "4" both in black oil crayon. This indicates to me there is at least one more 2-sided disc.

Now Here I Am Again

Actually on the recording the male narrator specifically mentions that he already recorded one disc. Now that I think about it.. I may have that in a box somewhere in the office closet.The dialog is clearly a love letter. He opens with "Now here I am again" indicating it's in a series of recordings. Then he closes with "I miss you and I love you."  It sounds sweet and romantic, but he could also have been a menacing stalker. Without the context he lose the story entirely.

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