Friday, October 26, 2012

The Diode Handbook

Microsemi was a company founded in 1960 by Don Dickenson as Dickenson Electronics. It was started in Scottsdale, AZ; and is still in Arizona today though it's present headquarters is in Aliso Viejo, California. The company was acquired by Siemens in 1974 and then Microsemi in 1982. They are still one of the worlds major manufacturers of diodes. That includes those used to rectify RF signals. Some of their components are on board the Mars Rover.They are so bin in fact that they attempted to acquire a competitor in 2008 and were stopped by the DOJ as it would create a monopoly on certain components.

What I like about this booklet is that it's not just superfluous marketing propaganda. It includes a short history of the company but also an extended explanation of what diodes are and how they're manufactured. It even has a tiny glossary covering tech jargon that even I was unfamiliar with.


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